Schmitz Cargobull: The Transportation Trendsetters


Schmitz Cargobull: The Transportation Trendsetters

In the dynamic world of transportation, the name of Schmitz Cargobull stands as a synonym for quality and top performance. For decades, the company has been at the forefront of the industry and acquired a reputation as a trailblazer and trendsetter due to its innovative transportation solutions. The leading manufacturer of semitrailers for temperature-controlled cargo, general cargo, and bulk goods relies on paint-mask labels from Schreiner ProTech in that regard, among other things.

Some 60,000 vehicles with the well-known red-and-blue elephant’s logo are produced per year and Schmitz Cargobull’s international production network encompasses a total of ten plants. The business of the company from Germany’s Münsterland region covers a wide variety of solutions and products that are tailored to the needs of customers in the entire transportation and logistics sector.

For a little more than ten years, the paintmask labels from Schreiner ProTech for the production site in Gotha have been making a small contribution to that. They are used on the axle supports of the dump semitrailers. “The crucial thing here is that no more than just a thin coat of the primer is applied at the stage of paint preparation. Prior to applying the primer and top coat in the paint shop cabins, these films are attached to the areas of the shock absorber and spring pin bolting and removed again after the hot air furnace stage. That is necessary to prevent the thickness of the paint coat leading to defects in the bolting due to setting behavior, for example,” explains Tom Heinemann, Head of Process Planning at Schmitz Cargobull.

The specialty films protect surfaces or, as shown here, nameplates and can be non-residually removed after the painting process.

In addition to protecting the surface as described above, there is a possibility to protect nameplates for example. These labels from Schreiner ProTech truly are evergreens: They are robust and heatresistant, ensure clear and reliable marking during and after a painting process, and the paint-mask can be removed easily after painting. “Naturally, reliability and quality are crucial components for us as a market leader. And they apply to both the product of and the collaboration with Schreiner Group. Especially in recent years, we repeatedly had to experience significant disruptions in the supply chains. However, the supply from Schreiner was always stable and without any impairments,” summarizes Michael Rock, Head of Procurement at Schmitz Cargobull.


This mix of proven standards and reliability is what Schmitz Cargobull as a trendsetter relies on to not only satisfy the demands of modern transportation but to also participate actively in shaping the future viability of the industry.