Item Match Control Combats Counterfeiting
Item Match Control Combats Counterfeiting
Product piracy is a menace that causes massive economic damage every year and can severely damage a brand’s reputation. It has a particularly significant impact on companies selling consumables or spare parts matching their products.
RFID technology can help protect manufacturers and users against counterfeits. Schreiner ProTech’s Item Match Control solution provides a holistic approach to such protection. It is based on secure communication between a machine, the related consumables, and protection of the material chain. The lock-and-key principle is the crucial success factor of this solution.
For a renowned customer in the printing industry, Schreiner Group’s experts recently developed a complete security concept that was implemented shortly afterward in the company that stands for top manufacturing quality. Protecting its proprietary materials against counterfeiting was a key deliverable for this customer. The utilization of a novel type of encryption technology, known as NXP iCode DNA, made tampering with the material practically impossible.
Providing the customer with a complete, tailored solution from a one-stop shop is a major benefit of Item Match Control. In addition to the RFID labels, Schreiner ProTech provided consulting support by Schreiner LogiData as well as the required printing-programming unit. A basis of mutual trust and the spirit of innovation drove the project to success … making life a lot harder for counterfeiters thanks to Item Match Control and ICode DNA.