How to Become Climate-Neutral


How to Become

An outstanding geothermal energy project: Seven large heat pumps have replaced the previous gas heating systems at Schreiner Group’s headquarters in Oberschleissheim— four of them are in a newly erected heat pump house. Schreiner Immobilien invested nearly six million euros in the forward- thinking and sustainability-focused project eliminating oil and gas. Roland Schreiner, President, CEO, and Managing Shareholder of Schreiner Group and his father, Helmut Schreiner, officially opened the heat pump house together with guests of honor, Florian Hahn, Member of the Federal Parliament for the county of Munich, and Markus Böck, the Mayor of Oberschleissheim.

Schreiner Group has been actively committed to sustainability for several decades: with actions starting with the utilization of green electricity to photovoltaic panels on the company’s premises to sustainable product developments and recycling. Since as early as the 1990s the company has been using groundwater for cooling and since 2012 for heating new buildings as well. With the new geothermal energy project for nearly six million euros, Schreiner Group made another major move, erecting a heat pump house accommodating four huge heat pumps. Three more were installed in various decentralized buildings to replace gas heaters.

“Schreiner Group’s geothermal energy project is a milestone achievement for sustainability,” emphasized Roland Schreiner, Managing Shareholder of Schreiner Group, stressing that “In 2021, we adopted a strategic sustainability goal. We intended to achieve climate-neutral production by as early as 2023. We managed to do that because, due to the heat pump project, we’re no longer emitting any CO2 ourselves. By 2030, we plan to be completely climate-neutral.”

Oberschleissheim’s Mayor Markus Böck with Managing Shareholder Roland Schreiner and Member of the Federal Parliament Florian Hahn (from left to right) in the recently opened heat pump house.
Mayor Markus Böck, Managing Shareholder Roland Schreiner, Ulrike Schreiner with her husband, Senior Shareholder Helmut Schreiner, and Member of the Federal Parliament Florian Hahn (from left to right) jointly open Schreiner Group’s heat pump house.
Wolfgang Bonnet (right), Head of Facility Management, shows Schreiner Group’s heat pump house to the impressed guests.

Schreiner Group embarked on the sustainability journey under Helmut Schreiner’s rein. The Senior Shareholder had led the company from 1974 to 2012 and set the course for the future in major ways. “I’m pleased to see that we’ve consistently stayed the course we started. With the heat pump project, we’re not only clearly enhancing our carbon footprint but also remain true to our principle of assuming responsibility for society and the environment,” he said.

During the official opening, Florian Hahn, Member of the Federal Parliament for the county of Munich, was obviously thrilled. “Time and again, it’s impressive to see how a globally acting, family-led company from our region looks at the future, recognizes opportunities, and makes them reality with aplomb. Schreiner Group once again complements the image that shows the county of Munich being rich in active and innovative companies and that it can truly view itself as a region for sustainability and energy diversity,” Hahn said. The Mayor of Oberschleissheim, Markus Böck, added, “A small step for Schreiner Group, one giant leap for the energy transition process in Oberschleissheim! I’m delighted about this pioneering and sustainable project at Schreiner Group, on which I extend cordial congratulations!”