Guaranteed Security: New PIN Portfolio
Guaranteed Security:
New PIN Portfolio
In spite of the numerous benefits of digitization, some everyday processes are more secure in analog form. They include the protection of personal identification numbers (PINs) sent by mailers. It’s the safest and fastest way for this confidential information to reach its recipients, enabled by Schreiner PrinTrust’s PIN Safe security solution. Following an upgrade, PIN Safe is now even more secure and eco-friendly than before.

Three independent institutes have certified maximum security in multiple applications.
Schreiner PrinTrust has become the market leader with its PIN Safe product. PIN Safe features compelling characteristics such as personalization and opacity, which prevents information like the secret code for the user’s bank account from getting into the wrong hands.
However, the demands of the market keep growing and the new 2021 PIN portfolio is now available to satisfy them. The objectives for the upgrade were clearly defined: deliver at least the same level of security as before and make the product even more eco-friendly than the previous one.
Schreiner PrinTrust has been collaborating with leading security experts for many years, so that the latest professional crime-fighting knowledge is regularly fed into the product development process, culminating in the optimum PIN solution for any requirement.
In addition, the product is protected in several ways: a totally opaque scratch layer, the composition of a top and bottom layer providing all-around PIN protection like a safe, security slits, shrink effects, VOID effects, and an optional hologram.
PIN Safe’s unrivaled high level of security has been certified by three tests performed by independent institutes as well as by the FOGRA, SMITHERS and DEKRA certificates for ID card, banking and vehicle registration uses.
In addition, the new product generation is particularly eco-friendly because the use of solvents is largely avoided in the production process. As a result, Schreiner PrinTrust makes a significant contribution to sustainability without impairing quality.