Film- Based Cover: An Excellent Closure


Film- Based Cover: An Excellent Closure

It was soon clear that the film-based solution for housing closures developed by Schreiner ProTech was a true alternative to existing variants on the market, and when the Film-Based Cover (FBC) won recognition by FINAT, the European association of the self-adhesive label industry, the team was even more delighted. Now, a little less than a year later, the Film-Based Cover scores with new functional features. Here’s a peek at “FBC all inclusive.”

Admittedly, at first glance, the small, dark box still appears to be rather inconspicuous. It’s the thing replacing a cover that packs a punch: a strong polyester film, precisely applied, and permanently and reliably bonded with the housing by means of laser welding. A lightweight and permanent closure solution that resists chemical, mechanical, and thermal stress.

But that’s not all, because the Film-Based Cover has evolved into a veritable all-in-one product: Be it as an integrated Pressure Compensation Seal, warnings, or subsequent TTR overprinting, the new Film-Based Cover provides customers with flexibility. “Our initial motivation was to offer a true alternative to the conventional injection-molded cover,” explains Markus Loris, Product Manager, Protection Films at Schreiner ProTech. However, conversations with customers soon made it clear that this product has great potential! “Due to a generic evolution,” says Loris, “we managed to realize customer wishes step by step and integrate more and more additional functions into this product.”

For customers, switching to this housing solution specifically means that Schreiner ProTech provides them with one flat component where they previously needed to use and install four individual components: a housing cover, a nameplate, an information plate, and a Pressure Compensation Seal.

The results are less space required in the production line, lower capital expenditures for manufacturing machines, cycle time reductions, and a lower administrative workload: a clear reduction of complexity that truly adds value.

Suitable uses for the Film-Based Cover include sensor applications such as those of interior space monitoring. Radar permeability, which is clearly better than that of solid injection-molded covers, increases sensor performance and so makes this solution particularly attractive. The Film-Based Cover is a perfect example showing how a smart basic idea keeps evolving and growing bit by bit. Stay tuned to learn what the next growth spurt is going to offer.

FBC All Inclusive

– Clear reduction of installed height

– Clear reduction of tooling costs (by a factor of 10)

– Clear weight reduction (60–90 percent)

– Reduction of the carbon footprint due to less material consumption

– Easy packaging (pre-cut) on rolls

– Firmly bonded sealing of housings by laser welding

– Clear complexity reduction due to integration of additional functions (Pressure Compensation Seal, information/symbols, variable overprinting)

– Everything from a one-stop shop: from material to dispensing systems