Closure Seals: Custom-Fit Solutions for Any Requirement
Closure Seals:
Custom-Fit Solutions for Any Requirement
Around 200 billion U.S. dollars: That is the value of the worldwide market for faked medicines—and it keeps growing by about 20 percent per year—about twice as fast as the legal market for medicines: Reason enough for pharmaceutical companies to respond because not only patients are exposed to potential health risks but manufacturers must expect to incur major economic losses and reputational damage. For instance, when counterfeiters manage to re-use original packaging. To avoid that, Schreiner MediPharm offers tailored solutions: Customized closure seals for folding boxes reliably indicate unauthorized opening of drug packaging and make it difficult to unnoticeably reseal it.
Closure seals for pharmaceutical packaging pose an important initial hurdle to counterfeiters. The more precisely the seal’s security technologies are adapted to the respective threat scenario, the better the seal will perform its intended purpose. Therefore, Schreiner MediPharm, supported by the Schreiner ProSecure competence center specializing in security technologies, develops customized sealing solutions. Security seals for secondary packaging can clearly and irreversibly indicate first opening as well as removal and reclosing of a seal, thus protecting the integrity of packaging.
Effective Removal and Destruction Mechanisms
A variety of removal and destruction mechanisms, which may also be combined, are suitable for irreversibly indicating the first opening of a seal, depending on the specific requirement and type of folding box.
Functional Requirements
All relevant security requirements, functional aspects, and special challenges are fed into the specific design of the seal. Should the seal feature special branding and individual information, should it be suitable for cryo applications, should it be traceable? Those are just some of the questions to be considered in realizing the customized seals. By integrating additional overt, covert, or digital authentication features the seal can also provide proof of authenticity.
Extensive Tests
The materials and adhesives used must be perfectly adapted to the respective application and medicine packaging. To ensure that, Schreiner MediPharm, following the definition of the specific requirements to be met by the desired seal, performs extensive tests. This results in finding the optimal solution that meets the requirements of the EU Falsified Medicines Directive and ISO 21976 “Packaging – Tamper Verification Features for Medicinal Product Packaging.”
Wide Range of Combination Options
Customers get to decide in detail how a secure seal conforming to their corporate identity will be designed by choosing from a wide range of options and possible configurations. Schreiner MediPharm ensures that all key criteria for optimal and reliable functionality of the seal are considered, thus creating a unique and tamper-proof closure seal.