In the Limelight: The Special Skills of Smart Packaging


In the Limelight:
The Special Skills of Smart Packaging

Less time–higher accuracy: Schreiner MediPharm has published a new video illustrating the benefits of smart blister packs in clinical trials compared to conventional methods. But what does the smart solution offer in comparison to traditional ones?

In the pharmaceutical industry, time-to-market is crucial. Clinical trials are complex, time-consuming, and cost-intensive and only as good as the data quality they generate. Conventional methods such as patient notes, assessments by healthcare professionals, or pillcounting are often inaccurate and may produce distorted outcomes. The new video from Schreiner MediPharm shows how those challenges can be overcome.

High Accuracy
With smart packaging from Schreiner MediPharm, digitally generated adherence data achieve nearly 98-percent accuracy. These innovative packaging solutions enable electronic collection, storage, and analysis of real-time data to ensure precision and reliability. At the same time, user friendliness remains at a high level—and taking pills as easy as usual. Schreiner MediPharm’s medication adherence monitoring solutions enhance therapy compliance and can help revolutionize the entire clinical trial landscape.

Learn about the benefits of smart blister packs in the video: