CO2 Neutrality: Today for Tomorrow


CO2 Neutrality:
Today for Tomorrow

Be it the mammoth geothermal energy project for nearly six million euros or the many nest boxes for domestic birds on the company’s premises—every sustainability action taken by Schreiner Group is another stage on the journey toward a climate-neutral future. For that effort to be successful, the company has set itself science-based goals and always has its progress assessed externally: with great success.

The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) is a non-profit organization aiming to publish environmental data of companies and municipalities to encourage enhancement of sustainability. Since 2023 Schreiner Group has been publishing its statistics via CDP as well. In the first rating, particularly the quality of its Scope 3 emissions was awarded an above-average score. In other words, the emissions of the upstream and downstream supply chain. The company has been collecting enough specific data showing its sustainable development: since 2022 Schreiner Group has been able to precisely calculate not only its corporate carbon footprint but even the carbon footprint for every single product.

In 2022, Schreiner Group also officially committed to the Paris Climate Agreement by submitting a commitment letter to the SBTi (Science-Based Targets initiative) and before the end of 2024 is going to additionally publish specific goals there as well. One important objective, though, has long been achieved: Three years ago, in a strategic sustainability goal, Schreiner Group had established its intent to achieve climate- neutral production starting in 2023 and in fact did so last year: since then, the company itself has ceased to emit any CO2.

That’s a resounding success that others have recognized as well: Schreiner Group has received numerous awards for its sustainability commitment. Most recently, in 2023, the new heat pump project was recognized with the German Award for Sustainability Projects and honored with an AGEEN (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Energieeffizienz- Netzwerke Deutschland e. V.) award. In the NQC, IntegrityNext, and Eco- Vadis ratings, the company is among the front runners—in terms of environmental commitment it is even ranked among the best percent in the world.

Supply Chain Due Diligence Act

Since 2024 the new Supply Chain Due Diligence Act has applied to Schreiner Group. This law aims to improve the protection of human rights and the environment in the global supply chains. For Schreiner Group, that’s no problem because the company had previously set the course for legal compliance. “In addition, we’ve implemented a risk management system to identify, analyze, evaluate, and prioritize potential risks in the supply chain and to derive actions from that,” explains Duc Hoai Tran, a supplier developer from the purchasing function.